Going Back in Ye Olde Tyme

For bourbon hunters, it’s either about the relationship or getting off the beaten path. One of those “kinda outta the way” places I occasionally go to is Old Tyme Liquors in Santa Claus, Indiana. First, Santa Claus, Indiana, is fun. I mean come on… Christmas 365 days a year…. 366 in Leap Year’s! It’s just a fun, quaint little town with lots of places to go and things to do if you want a family vacation.

While I haven’t been on a family vacation there in years, I do like to pop in to Old Tyme Liquors as I’m cruising across Highway 64 on the way to-or-from Kentucky. It’s just a few miles off of the interstate so it’s not too long of a side trip.

It’s nice to see such a devotion to bourbon from such a small store. My friend Danny Kinnaird was the one who initially told me to go there to find the five new Benchmark offerings when they came out last year and I’ve been hitting Old Tyme ever since.

During my recent visit, I picked up some great stuff for upcoming virtual bourbon events.

When I checked out, I asked for a receipt. “We don’t do those anymore since we go our new system. People don’t want receipts anymore… well, some old people do, but mostly nobody does.”

Well, I’m either old, or weird, but I needed a receipt. I mean this was business expenses. Here’s what I got:


Now that is an old time experience! I hope the IRS doesn’t mind. (I mean it is initialed in the corner, you can’t forge that!)

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