McNew's Top Five Grocery Store Bourbons

When I first started my bourbon journey way back in 2016 I never stepped foot into a liquor store. I found them intimidating with too many options. I always bought my bourbon at my grocery stores. I’m lucky in Indiana that we can do that; I know a lot of states do not allow liquor sales in grocery stores. A lot has changed since 2016 and I love browsing liquor stores and checking out their vast options now. I still love me some “Grocery Store Bourbon”, however.  Grocery Store Bourbons are usually your basic big producer brands, but sometimes there are hidden gems in there. I’m also the person in my household who does all the shopping, and if I have to brave the stores I’m rewarding myself.   If I maxed out my bourbon budget for the month, I can just add it into the grocery budget and he’s none the wiser. I thought I’d share my top 5 Grocery Store Bourbons I always have on hand and pick up often.

McNew’s Top Five Grocery Store Bourbons

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  1. Maker’s Mark: I might get some heat for this one because, just like it was for me, it was a lot of people’s beginner bourbon and they feel like they’ve grown past it. That’s fine. It still holds a special place in my heart, and I’ll pick it up every time. It’s usually what I put in my decanters. On occasion my Kroger and Meijer may have Maker’s 46, and I recommend that as well; especially if regular Maker’s just doesn’t do it for you anymore.

  2. Buffalo Trace: I’m always surprised when people in other regions act like this is super special or hard to find. I’m not talking about BTAC, Weller, or Blanton’s. Just regular mash bill #1 Buffalo Trace. It’s less than $30 and is great neat, on the rocks, or even in a cocktail.

  3. Wild Turkey 101: How could this not be on everyone’s list? It’s an absolute classic, and it’s also available in handles. Although I don’t love this one neat, it’s great on the rocks. It’s also great with ginger beer and is my favorite summertime highball.


  4. Jim Beam Black: A definite upgrade from Jim Beam White Label and still super affordable.

  5. New Riff: New Riff is quickly growing out of the craft category, and it’s well deserved. They’re truly becoming a major player. It’s always on the top shelf of both my local Kroger and Wal-Mart.

Honorable Mentions:

  1. Bulleit Bourbon: Bulleit seems to have a cult-like following in beginners’ circles. I still buy it for parties because people seem to enjoy it. I also just think the raised letters on the bottle are a cool design feature and it looks good on a shelf.  

  2. Larceny:  You really didn’t think I was getting out of here without telling you to buy Larceny, right? Still my everyday favorite.

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