Happy Birthday Colonel Steve from Akley's Angels

Every Wednesday Steve puts out an article called “Bourbon People”, where he highlights what it’s like to know people from the bourbon industry. We all love this article; it’s always positive, true, and complimentary to whoever the article is about. It also inspired us, The ABV Network Ladies (aka “Akley’s Angels”), to put together this little blog post for Steve’s Birthday. What’s it like to actually work so closely to Steve, talk to him every day, and to actually be friends with him? We’re probably the three with the most interaction.  We’re also probably the three that give him the hardest time. Having to deal with three distinct personalities all of the time is probably no easy task either (ha, ha).  So each of us put together three things we love about Steve, just to let him know we actually do appreciate him. Happy Birthday Steve!

From Justine

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Determined. Creative. Caring.  Those are three words that come to mind when I think of Steve Akley.  The first two words go hand-in-hand when it comes to the ABV Network.  After being in the corporate world for many years, it was time for Steve to start his life’s next chapter.  The love of writing and bourbon gave him the idea to start the network.  Starting a new company isn’t easy though, it takes determination to get through the low spots.  The network, like any business, has seen team members come and go over the years, but he has stuck it out because he was determined to see his dream for the network through. At one point, as he has stated before, it was just him and Renee Howe doing the podcasts.  Now there are 50+ team members between the podcasts, blogs, and Bourbon Zeppelin newsletter.   These three mediums provide a canvas for his creativity, but it’s not just these three.  There are also books, movies and now a TV show. How does one person create that much content?  It took me an hour and a half to just write this because I started over 4 times looking for the right words to convey my thoughts.  Words just come easier for some people and Steve is one of those people.

Every week he writes an article giving us a little peek into what bourbon people are like behind the scenes. So what is Steve, also a bourbon person, like behind the scenes?  Well, I already told you he is determined and creative, but anyone can see that by the network and the product that he delivers through it.  Behind the scenes, though, he is a fun, thoughtful and caring friend.  He has given all of us at the network amazing opportunities to not only grow our bourbon knowledge, but grow as individuals, too. He gives you the extra push of courage you need when you are doing something that is out of your comfort zone.  He lends an ear when you need someone to talk to, whether it is something serious or just a random lunch break lighthearted talk. He is just someone that you want in your corner and I am glad I can call him my friend.

From McNew

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Funny. Patient. Brilliant. Steve has said many times that he thinks I’m funny, but I also think Steve is funny. He has this uncanny ability to notice quirks about people and gently make fun of them in a way that he doesn’t come off as offensive or mean; it’s always lighthearted. That’s a rare talent that a lot of people can’t pull off. He’s also amazing at taking a single instance or event and turning it into an epic/exaggerated story that lives on through ABV Network history as an inside joke for all involved or listening. Steve is also very patient…I mean who else could you work for that you regularly get lit, and then tell them to “eff-off” almost every Friday night? LOL...but in all seriousness, Steve is super patient in all things with the Network whether its dealing with us being occasional hot messes on the shows, or growing the club and making events happen. Things just don’t happen overnight, but he’s steadily grown the ABV Network over the years.

I can sincerely say that I think Steve is brilliant. He creates TONS of content every single day, and it’s all quality, educational, and entertaining content that has a lot of thought behind it. Beyond the content Steve is brilliant at people. That probably sounds like a weird thing to say, but Steve is great at finding new people/talent to join us. He’s amazing at knowing which personalities will fit on which shows, or recognizing other talents people have and putting us in positions where we can thrive as individuals and, at the same time, help the network thrive. He’s not only created a media network, he’s created a community of people I genuinely care about and consider friends, which is amazing since we’re scattered all over the United States. It takes a brilliant person to bring this many people together and I’m so grateful to him for it. I’m also so grateful I can call him a friend, and that none of this would exist without him.

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From Miss Beka Sue

How to explain Steve Akley? Steve has quickly morphed into one of my best friends. Although we have known each other for years and podcasted for the past two years, it seems like the past about 6-8 months we have just grown closer. What brought this on? I have no idea, but it’s a blessing. I call Steve about everything that happens in my life. And I always know I’m about to get a long poetic writer’s speech back. I dread when we argue because I have no foothold if it’s arguing by text. I think: “Damn it. He’s typing and all I can say is ‘Screw you, Steve!’” We don’t fight often but when we do, it’s passionate. Because if there is one thing the two of us are, it’s passionate. Steve’s passion for what we do, feeds my own passion. Steve spurs me on. Steve makes me want to do better with the whole bourbon thing we call a job. When I consider what I do for a regular job, I always have a little “Steve” in the back of my head saying “corporate sucks”. End of the day, I’m so lucky to have him around. Friends. For. Life.

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