A Recipe For What Ails Ya!

AHHH-CHOO!!! We have officially entered the cold and flu season with a bang. I have been quite lucky the last several years, and I've dodged the sniffles and coughs, the wheezes and sneezes and had no need to starve or feed a fever.

Well, that was until this year. This year I believe my immune system went out for a night on the town with the boys and came back totally tanked. A lot of stress and an emotional year has befallen me and alas.....I got sick.  The entire month of November, I was suffering from some congestion type of ailment, head, chest, or whatever. Finally, I started the month of December with the full-blown flu. Lucky me!  I've been in bed or on the couch for a week. Coughing and sneezing and praying to be spared.

So that set this post in motion. How does a bourbon drinker combat the flu? The recipes online are endless for Hot Toddy’s and other home remedies.

The following is what I've been using. I can't say that it made me well, but it definitely took my mind off being sick in the first place.

You will need water, lemon, honey, cinnamon and/or cloves, and let's not forget the bourbon. Since your taste buds aren't working so great, don't crack open the Pappy’s for this one. Chances are you can't smell it or even taste it either. Use a daily drinker; a nice high proof will do.

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Tawnya’s Toddy

  1. At the bottom of a large mug, muddle a slice of lemon and a 1/4 tsp of cinnamon. (About 1 ounce of lemon juice is needed.)

  2. Add an ounce of honey.

  3. Now pour in 2 ounces of your bourbon of choice.

  4. Top it off with about a cup of boiling water or your favorite herbal tea. Garnish with a cinnamon stick or cloves.

Get creative; substitute a flavored whiskey. A honey or cinnamon whiskey will do.

Let's face it, at this point, does it really even matter? If you're considering this recipe, you already feel like crap, the thought of lifting your head off the pillow is next to impossible. You've watched more Hallmark movies or True-Crime documentaries than an average human should. You're convinced true-love kisses cause snow to fall. And your neighbor – he’s a bit too nice.  Clearly he's a serial killer. Boxes of Kleenex fill your living room, and you realize that you haven't worn real clothes in a week. 

All I can tell you is once the fever breaks, you're on the road to recovery. Hopefully, this little bit of comfort warms you from the inside, and remember day drinking doesn't count when you are sick as long as you call it a Hot Toddy.

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