Happy Thanksgiving from The Whiskey Corner

We enjoyed our collaboration blog we did for Halloween so much that we decided to another for Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoy it as you celebrate this beautiful holiday.

“What Are You Most Thankful For About Bourbon” by Justine Mays

I think a pretty standard Thanksgiving tradition is taking turns going around the dinner table and stating what you are thankful for.  If you simply said “I’m thankful for Bourbon”, your family might think you need to enter a 12 step program (at least mine would!).  While I am thankful for delicious Bourbon to sip on after a long day, I am more thankful for the people that I have met because of our mutual love for the spirit.  In fact, I have no idea what everyone else is writing about as part of this collaboration, but I would be surprised if all of us didn’t at least touch on the subject of the friends we have made because of Bourbon.

I have a love/hate relationship with social media, but because of it and Bourbon, I have made some of the most awesome friends.  People from across the country and even locally, like the Lansing Area Whisk(e)y Society, that I may have not met otherwise.  It was because of the Jefferson’s Bourbon Ambassador Facebook group that I met Steve Akley and became involved with the ABV Network.  While some people I have only interacted with on social media or through messages, it is because of the ABV Network that I have been able to meet some of these friends somewhat face to face over Skype while recording podcasts or live chats.  Others I have actually met in person, whether it is traveling to Kentucky to meet up for events or to the New Orleans Bourbon Festival.  I can’t wait to meet others in person in the future.

Bourbon may have been what initially brought these friends into my life, but it goes beyond Bourbon now.We have shared stories about families, children, relationships, careers, pets, etc.We have really become part of each other’s lives.I am extremely thankful for every single friendship that has developed from the Bourbon community and look forward to making many more.

“Thankful for Bourbon Friendships” by Tawnya Bennett

Tis the season, as we approach the holidays, we begin to feel the overwhelming stress that we, of course, put upon ourselves. The family meals, the overspending, and family dramas. If you don't suffer from any of that, then you need to write a book to help the rest of us; or…maybe you are just in denial. Even the most loving families deal with some craziness during the holidays.

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Amidst the lifetime of cynicism, I've decided to disengage from the drama and approach the holidays with a different mindset. We'll see how I do.

So let me start this declaration of positivity by writing about why I’m thankful for Bourbon.

I began my Bourbon journey in May of 2018. It started relatively slowly but quickly became all-consuming. First, I started with blogging and posting on social media. Then I was listening to Bourbon podcasts and following Bourbon celebrities online. Eventually, they supported me in return.  I began helping out when needed on The Bourbon Daily, where I've met some fantastic and exciting people.  People across the country from all walks of life that I would have never had a chance to meet without our shared love of Bourbon.  With many of these, actual friendships have developed.  Conversations about loved ones and family and have grown far beyond the "Whatcha Drinkin'?" posts.  

 Whether I’m at a tasting, or out somewhere and someone comments on a Bourbon themed shirt I'm wearing, or overhears a conversation I'm having about what's behind the bar, the dialogue soon begins.  In these type interactions I've found myself to be more outgoing where I'd otherwise stay reserved.  People sense my passion for Bourbon and that then becomes contagious. Some of these new-found friends will offer up their favorites and others will ask for recommendations. For me, it truly is bringing people together. I've met so many beautiful people that have become great friends, and I have Bourbon to thank.

I hope all of you have a joyous holiday season and find your blessings to be thankful for, but remember, in the end, it's not about having more to be thankful for; it's about being more thankful.

“Pooh, Bourbon and List Making” by Kevin Rose

“Piglet noticed that even though he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude” - A. A. Milne

One thing I’ve tried to make a deliberate practice of this year is listing things for which I should be thankful. When my head is focused too much on the trials of life, a sure technique to lift my eyes is to sketch out a quick list of blessings in my life. I’ve done it many times this year and it always works. #LifeHack

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Since it is Thanksgiving and since this is a blog about Bourbon, here is a list of 8 Bourbon things and two non-Bourbon thing for which I am extremely thankful on this holiday.

1. Old friends to share Bourbon with.  Bourbon is a beautiful excuse to spend time with old friends and cultivate even deeper friendships with them along the way.

2. New friends to share Bourbon with.  I’ve met some wonderful friends who I would not otherwise have known if not for Bourbon. 

3. My Bourbon Fellowship guys…some things transcend whiskey.

4. There is always something new to learn about Bourbon.  Keeping a humble and open mind is a great way to make sure you are always soaking up knowledge.  True in life.  True in Bourbon.

5. There are wonderful people in this Bourbon world willing to share their knowledge and respect you regardless of how many dumb questions you may ask.Chris Zaborowski at Westport Whiskey & Wine, Adam Stumpf, Royce Neeley and the Alchemist himself, Alan Bishop are all tremendous resources in my Bourbon continuing education.


6. The ABV Network.  This group of Super Friends assembled by Steve Akley was an unexpected blessing in 2019.  I’ve made some terrific friends here in Louisville though ABV, but I’ve also met folks practically from sea to shining sea because of this great organization.

7. Jimmy Russell.  He is Bourbon Elvis.  Jimmy being on this list is a given.   Jimmy is on every Bourbon list.  It’s a law or something.

8. There is something awesome that will emerge in Bourbon to more than compensate for the next frustrating Bourbon thing that happens. Some mega-distillery pulls something beloved off the shelf…no worries.  Here comes something else awesome from another distillery that we can love in its place.

9. The Wife is tolerant to encouraging of my Bourbon enthusiasm.  She’s been my bride for 30 years.  She deserves a medal or a lifetime achievement award.

10. My grandson.This little guy is almost two weeks old and he’s dramatically captured my heart.Every grandparent I know says that being a grandparent is like nothing else.You don’t really understand what it is to be one until you are one.It is like falling in love again for the first time.I am so thankful for his health and his parents and the grandparents we get to share him with and the promise held in his potential and…I could go on and on.

Thanksgiving is an easy time to start listing things for which you are thankful.  It is a practice that will help you the whole year through.  Happy Thanksgiving to friends I know and to those of you I haven’t met yet.

“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem and smarter than you think.”

Catching up on my Pooh. I think I’ll be needing it very soon.
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