The Triumphant Return of Evan Haskill

by Colonel Steve Akley

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"I have an idea I want to talk to you about."

That's how it started.

A simple text from Evan Haskill informing me that he had an idea he wanted to discuss. It turns out... he was ready to come back to the ABV Network. His plan was a unique one. He would read stories from Bourbon Zeppelin and comment on them. He would commit to two episodes per month, one to coincide with each release of Bourbon Zeppelin (the 1st and the 15th of the month).

"Was I interested," he wanted to know.

Ummm, let me think one-half of a nanosecond... "YEAH... HELL, YEAH!"

The departure of Evan from the AVB Network was crushing. Not because we couldn't succeed without him... it was because of the man himself. I love that guy. I started this whole journey with him, and as when he told me he was leaving, I couldn't imagine going on without him. 

The good news is that Evan never really went away. Yes, he's not been on the shows, but, he has been working behind the scenes to make the network a success and he continues to be a trusted confidant in company decisions. 

Bourbon Zeppelin the Podcast is a simple concept. One man... one mic... one publication. Evan has big ideas, though. He's going to punch up this podcast with some great commentary and perhaps even some original material he creates just for the podcast. Where it is for launch and where it's going is going to be very different. It's a journey you are going to want to be part of.

That sounds pretty darn good to me. Evan Haskill... back on the ABV Network!!!

You can download Bourbon Zeppelin the Podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or whatever your favorite podcast platform is. Check it out. Be sure to hit subscribe so you never miss an episode.